How Parties May Encourage Arbitrators to Adopt New Case Management Practices
Andreina Escobar
Remanding the award to the arbitral tribunal
Jeet Shroff and Abhik Chakraborty
The Singapore Convention on Mediation: A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation Edited by Guillermo Palao
Reviewed by Denise Ereka Peterson, FCIArb
For the 40th anniversary of the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, Rafael Boza interviewed Judge Charles Brower about his experience serving on the Court.
Rafael Boza
Francis Ojok
Lessons for International Dispute-Settlement Today
Damien Charlotin
Todd A. Wells, Michael Reilly & Taylor Minshall
Hon. Charles N. Brower
Jason Czerwiec
Serhat Eskiyoruk & Ezgi Ceren Cubuk