The ITA Reporters Roundtable
Csilla Andrea Mate
Sean C. Sheely & Arantxa Cuadrado
Remanding the award to the arbitral tribunal
Jeet Shroff and Abhik Chakraborty
Key Factor in the Arbitration Scene of Central America & Mexico
David Hoyos de la Garza and Ana Catalina Mancilla Uribe
Is it Enforceable in the US Under the New York Convention?
Gary J. Shaw & Rafael T. Boza
Which Benchmark Rate for Pre-Award Interest?
Aaron Dolgoff, Tiago Duarte-Silva and Julian Dipersio
Alicia Yeo
A Law and Economics Analysis of Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration
by Nicolás Cely Bustacara
Patrick Ibekwe, PhD
Eight Cases That Helped Shape An Ever-Evolving Field in Paraguay
Raul Pereira