A part of the Dean Robert G. Storey Rule of Law Lecture Series
Gregory Shaffer
Attribution in International Law and Arbitration by Carlo de Stefano
by Augustin Barrier and Anita Subedi
Sushant Mahajan
#YoungITATalks Central America
Daniela García
Keynote Address Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of The Center for American and International Law
Lucy F. Reed
A Proposal to Reform the UNCITRAL Model Law
Mateo Miguel Verdias
Vivasvat "Viva" Dadwal & Charles "Chip" B. Rosenberg
Issues from Common Law Construction Contracts in Projects in Civil Law Countries
Jose Astigarraga, ReedSmith (Miami); Sandra González, Ferrere (Montevideo); Ignacio Suárez Anzorena, SuarezAnzorena International Arbitration (Montevideo)
Delivered at the 10th ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration held on January 20-21, 2022
Sir Christopher John Greenwood, GBE, CMG, QC