About ITA in Review
ITA in Review is a cutting-edge publication that addresses key developments in the field of international and domestic dispute resolution, including arbitration, conciliation, litigation, and mediation, through diverse content, such as scholarly and practical articles, transcripts of ITA’s programs, book reviews, short comments, video interviews, and multimedia presentations. ITA in Review strives to provide a voice and platform for diverse contributors, including Young ITA members.
The genesis of ITA in Review can be traced back a decade to the World Arbitration and Mediation Review (WAMR), a law journal which quickly became the ITA’s premiere legal publication. Unfortunately, about two years ago, the ITA and WAMR parted ways, leaving a void in the ITA. However, the ITA leadership refused to accept the loss of such a valuable resource, and in 2017 formed a task force to address this void. After several attempts and many iterations of names, usability, reach, and design, ITA in Review was born.
ITA in Review Editors in Chief

Rafael Boza
Special Counsel
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Houston, Texas, USA

Charles (Chip) B. Rosenberg
Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
Washington, D.C., USA